Diverse & Equal - Articles in Gazeta GUMed

Articles in the university monthly magazine “Gazeta GUMed”

Diverse and Equal
Diverse and Equal

The key element of the second stage of the “Kultura Szacunku / Culture of Respect” campaign entitled “Diverse and Equal” and dedicated to equality are articles in the university monthly magazine “Gazeta GUMed” concerning various aspects, criteria and contexts of equality. Interviews with the experts, essays, reports and presentations of the results of research projects and analyses on both equality and areas of unequal treatment or discrimination, will be published in “Gazeta GUMed” to provide our academic community with some meaningful and reliable information and to inspire thoughts, debate and engagement in the actions of the campaign.

In the table below we present the list of equality-related articles published in “Gazeta GUMed” in chronological order.

List of equality-related articles published in “Gazeta GUMed” in chronological order:

No. Issue Title (read in HTML) Authors PDF for download
1. December 2022, pp. 15-19 Diverse and Equal – continuation of the Kultura Szacunku / Culture of Respect campaign Ewa Kiszka, MA, Head of the Department of Internationalization;
Jacek Kaczmarek, MD, PhD, International Alumni Relations Officer
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2. January 2023; p. 3 Editor’s note Małgorzata Omilian-Mucharska, M.A., Editor-in-Chief “Gazeta GUMed” soon
3. January 2023; pp. 52-54 Students with disabilities need equal treatment with others Prof. Tomasz Smiatacz, Vice-Rector for Students’ Affairs;
Małgorzata Omilian-Mucharska, M.A., Editor-in-Chief “Gazeta GUMed”
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4. January 2023; pp. 54-56 How (not) to speak about disabilities Joanna Matuszewska, medical journalist, rehabilitation manager and specialist in integrated rehabilitation at the Breast Disease Unit, University Clinical Centre, lecturer at the Department of Research on the Quality of Life D&E_A4_2301 (245 KB)
5. January 2023; pp. 57-58 In the world of silence – facts and myths Magdalena Lorek, second-year student Master of Nursing D&E_A5_2301 (256 KB)
6. January 2023; pp. 58-59 Equality training at the MUG Marta Siciarek, expert at immigrant integration and implementation of human rights at the local level;
Anna Strzałkowska, PhD, activist for equal treatment, sociologist, lecturer, University of Gdańsk
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7. February 2023; pp. 46-50 When equality means accessibility Małgorzata Florianowicz, Main Library of the MUG
Katarzyna Lewandowska, Main Library of the MUG
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8. February 2023; pp. 51-52 Digital accessibility at GUMed Joanna Śliwińska, Ph.D., Spokesman of the MUG, Head of the Communication Unit
Maciej Pikulski, M.A., Head of the Department of IT Systems
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9. February 2023; pp. 52-54 Deaf patient at the doctor Joanna Roczyńska, Division of Medical Rescue D&E_A9_2302 (632 KB)
10. February 2023; pp. 55-58 About the art of people with intellectual disabilities Zofia Watrak, philologist, theatrologist and art critic
Maksymilian Wroniszewski, MUG Publishing Office
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11. February 2023; pp. 59-60 A story about a system that doesn’t work Wioletta Grabowska, member of the Fundacja Ja Też, mum of Antoni and Hania D&E_A11_2302 (1.82 MB)
12. February 2023; p. 61 My work with children with trisomy 21 Wiktor Warchałowski, 2nd year health psychology student D&E_A12_2302 (208 KB)
13. March 2023; pp. 32-34 React. Don’t be indifferent. Danuta Rocławska, psychologist cooperating with the MUG’s Office of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program
Agnieszka Anielska, Office of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program of the MUG
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14. March 2023; pp. 35-37 Legal protection against discrimination in the life of the academic community Leszek Pawłowski, Ph.D.,Division of Palliative Medicine, medical law specialist D&E_A14_2303 (760 KB)
15. March 2023; pp. 38-39 Inequalities in health and access to medical services for the elderly in Poland Adrian Lange, M.A., lawyer managing the PolSenior2 project, chief research specialist of the Division of Preventive Medicine & Education
Małgorzata Omilian-Mucharska, M.A., Editor-in-Chief “Gazeta GUMed”
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16. March 2023; pp. 40-45 Deaf patient at the doctor’s. Part 2: Suggested solutions Joanna Roczyńska, Division of Medical Rescue D&E_A16_2303 (2.42 MB)
17. March 2023; pp. 45-47 Let’s talk about body-shaming on social media Oliwia Sawińska, 3rd year health psychology student, member of the SSC of Psychology D&E_A17_2303 (1010 KB)
18. March 2023; pp. 48-52 A story about homeless and sick poor people Jerzy Afanasjew, Main Library of the MUG D&E_A18_2303 (1.08 MB)
19. April 2023; pp. 51-53 Let’s change the path, and not the destination – a university debate under the Diverse&Equal campaign Jakub Winiewski, Communication Unit MUG RiR_A19_2304.pdf (1.03 MB)
20. April 2023; pp. 54-57 Adultism today is what sexism used to be Dr. Anna Golus, in an interview by Maksymilian Wroniszewski from MUG Publishing Office RiR_A20_2304.pdf (1.05 MB)
21. April 2023; pp. 58-59 Are eating disorders caused by Instagram? A brief history of anorexia and bulimia Julia Kasprowicz, third-year student of pharmacy RiR_A21_2304.pdf (780 KB)
22. April 2023; pp. 60-63 The role of the university is to model adaptive interpersonal relationships Prof. Wiesław Cubała, Head Dept. Psychiatry of the Adults in an interview by Dr. Janusz Springer from MUG Publishing Office RiR_A22_2304.pdf (610 KB)
23. April 2023; pp. 64-65 Fat-shaming in Polish medicine Dr Aleksandra Mojkowska, specialist in general and bariatric surgery, founder and member of the team for prevention of discrimination of patients with obesity, affiliated with the Patients’ Rights Ombudsperson RiR_A23_2304.pdf (340 KB)
24. Maj 2023; ss. 52-54 Gdańsk – City of Equality campaign Dariusz Wołodźko, Gdańsk Municipal Office RiR_A24_2305.pdf (1.24 MB)
25. Maj 2023; ss. 55-56 Inclusive language towards LGBTQIAP+ Yelizaveta Nikitsina, Szymon Grzesik, GUMed students RiR_A25_2305.pdf (933 KB)
26. Maj 2023; s. 57 Meet SCORA Ewa Szplit, Yelizaveta Nikitsina, Szymon Grzesik, GUMed students RiR_A26_2305.pdf (415 KB)
27. Maj 2023; ss. 58-60 Healthcare services for everyone Joanna Kulczycka, GUMed graduate RiR_A27_2305.pdf (222 KB)
28. Maj 2023; ss. 61-62 Gender inequality – feminists’ figment or a real problem? lek. Magdalena Bazgier, First Doctoral School GUMed, Year 4 RiR_A28_2305.pdf (538 KB)
29. Maj 2023; ss. 63-67 HIV i AIDS w prasie LGBT Gdańska lat 80. i 90./ HIV and AIDS in LGBT media in Gdańsk in the 1980s and 1990s. Maksymilian Wroniszewski, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A29_2305.pdf (1.07 MB)
30. Czerwiec 2023; ss. 46-49 Autorytety naukowe GUMed przeciwko dyskryminacji / Leading MUG researchers against discrimination Małgorzata Omilian-Mucharska, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A30_2306.pdf (609 KB)
31. Czerwiec 2023; ss. 50-55 Transprzyjazny gabinet / Transgender-friendly doctor’s office Emilia Wiśniewska, Julia Kata – Fundacja Trans-Fuzja, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A31_2306.pdf (624 KB)
32. Czerwiec 2023; ss. 56-57 Osoby transpłciowe i niebinarne o oczekiwaniach względem systemu ochrony zdrowia / Transsexual and non-binary persons’ expectations of the healthcare system oprac. Szymon Grzesik, Yelizaveta Nikitsina, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A32_2306.pdf (299 KB)
33. Czerwiec 2023; ss. 57-59 Porozmawiajmy o transpłciowości / Let’s talk about transsexuality Marta Magott in conversation with Szymon Grzesik and Yelizaveta Nikitsina, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A33_2306.pdf (983 KB)
34. Czerwiec 2023; ss. 59-60 Magdalena Gajda o weightismie – podsumowanie webinaru / Magdalena Gajda about weightism – summary of the webinar Oliwia Lenkiewicz, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A34_2306.pdf (492 KB)
35. Lipiec 2023; ss. 46-48 Operacje korekty płci M/K w Klinice Urologii (1990-2015) / M/F gender-correction surgeries performed at the Department of Urology prof. Kazimierz Krajka in conversation with Maksymilian Wroniszewski, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A35_2307.pdf (521 KB)
36. Lipiec 2023; ss. 49-51 Hormonalne interwencje afirmujące płeć u osób z niezgodnością płciową / Gender-affirming hormonal interventions in persons with gender incongruence prof. Dominik Rachoń, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A36_2307.pdf (413 KB)
37. Lipiec 2023; ss. 52-53 Rozmawiali o równości i różnorodności / Debate about equality and diversity Magda Boguska, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A37_2307.pdf (1.06 MB)
38. Lipiec 2023; s. 54 Polszczyzna to nie puszka szprotek – wykład Macieja Makselona / The Polish language is not a can of sprats – lecture by Maciej Makselon Ewa Kiszka, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A38_2307.pdf (698 KB)
39. Sierpień-Wrzesień 2023; ss. 50-57 Third culture kids among us / Dzieci trzeciej kultury wśród nas Janusz Springer, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A39_2308_2309.pdf (1.61 MB)
40. Sierpień-Wrzesień 2023; ss. 57-61 Michał książę Edigey-Emirza Korycki – krótka historia Tatarów w Polsce / Prince Michał Edigey-Emirza Korycki – a short history of the Tatars in Poland Małgorzata Omilian-Mucharska, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A40_2308_2309.pdf (1.75 MB)
41. Sierpień-Wrzesień 2023; ss. 62-63 Dni Nagoi i Kultury Japońskiej / Days of Nagoya and the Culture of Japan prof. Michał Woźniak, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A41_2308_2309.pdf (1.36 MB)
42. Sierpień-Wrzesień 2023; ss. 64-65 Naszym zadaniem jest budowanie mostów! / Our mission is to build bridges! Ewa Kiszka, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A42_2308_2309.pdf (1.22 MB)
43. Sierpień-Wrzesień 2023; ss. 66-67 Tytułomania / Titlemania Aleksander Stanek, Wydawnictwo GUMed RiR_A43_2308_2309.pdf (365 KB)