No. |
Issue |
Title (read in HTML) |
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PDF for download |
1. |
December 2022, pp. 15-19 |
Diverse and Equal – continuation of the Kultura Szacunku / Culture of Respect campaign |
Ewa Kiszka, MA, Head of the Department of Internationalization; Jacek Kaczmarek, MD, PhD, International Alumni Relations Officer |
D&E_A1_2212 (477 KB) |
2. |
January 2023; p. 3 |
Editor’s note |
Małgorzata Omilian-Mucharska, M.A., Editor-in-Chief “Gazeta GUMed” |
soon |
3. |
January 2023; pp. 52-54 |
Students with disabilities need equal treatment with others |
Prof. Tomasz Smiatacz, Vice-Rector for Students’ Affairs; Małgorzata Omilian-Mucharska, M.A., Editor-in-Chief “Gazeta GUMed” |
D&E_A3_2301 (1.09 MB) |
4. |
January 2023; pp. 54-56 |
How (not) to speak about disabilities |
Joanna Matuszewska, medical journalist, rehabilitation manager and specialist in integrated rehabilitation at the Breast Disease Unit, University Clinical Centre, lecturer at the Department of Research on the Quality of Life |
D&E_A4_2301 (245 KB) |
5. |
January 2023; pp. 57-58 |
In the world of silence – facts and myths |
Magdalena Lorek, second-year student Master of Nursing |
D&E_A5_2301 (256 KB) |
6. |
January 2023; pp. 58-59 |
Equality training at the MUG |
Marta Siciarek, expert at immigrant integration and implementation of human rights at the local level; Anna Strzałkowska, PhD, activist for equal treatment, sociologist, lecturer, University of Gdańsk |
D&E_A6_2301 (379 KB) |
7. |
February 2023; pp. 46-50 |
When equality means accessibility |
Małgorzata Florianowicz, Main Library of the MUG Katarzyna Lewandowska, Main Library of the MUG |
D&E_A7_2302 (1.25 MB) |
8. |
February 2023; pp. 51-52 |
Digital accessibility at GUMed |
Joanna Śliwińska, Ph.D., Spokesman of the MUG, Head of the Communication Unit Maciej Pikulski, M.A., Head of the Department of IT Systems |
D&E_A8_2302 (457 KB) |
9. |
February 2023; pp. 52-54 |
Deaf patient at the doctor |
Joanna Roczyńska, Division of Medical Rescue |
D&E_A9_2302 (632 KB) |
10. |
February 2023; pp. 55-58 |
About the art of people with intellectual disabilities |
Zofia Watrak, philologist, theatrologist and art critic Maksymilian Wroniszewski, MUG Publishing Office |
D&E_A10_2302 (2.64 MB) |
11. |
February 2023; pp. 59-60 |
A story about a system that doesn’t work |
Wioletta Grabowska, member of the Fundacja Ja Też, mum of Antoni and Hania |
D&E_A11_2302 (1.82 MB) |
12. |
February 2023; p. 61 |
My work with children with trisomy 21 |
Wiktor Warchałowski, 2nd year health psychology student |
D&E_A12_2302 (208 KB) |
13. |
March 2023; pp. 32-34 |
React. Don’t be indifferent. |
Danuta Rocławska, psychologist cooperating with the MUG’s Office of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program Agnieszka Anielska, Office of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program of the MUG |
D&E_A13_2303 (539 KB) |
14. |
March 2023; pp. 35-37 |
Legal protection against discrimination in the life of the academic community |
Leszek Pawłowski, Ph.D.,Division of Palliative Medicine, medical law specialist |
D&E_A14_2303 (760 KB) |
15. |
March 2023; pp. 38-39 |
Inequalities in health and access to medical services for the elderly in Poland |
Adrian Lange, M.A., lawyer managing the PolSenior2 project, chief research specialist of the Division of Preventive Medicine & Education Małgorzata Omilian-Mucharska, M.A., Editor-in-Chief “Gazeta GUMed” |
D&E_A15_2303 (407 KB) |
16. |
March 2023; pp. 40-45 |
Deaf patient at the doctor’s. Part 2: Suggested solutions |
Joanna Roczyńska, Division of Medical Rescue |
D&E_A16_2303 (2.42 MB) |
17. |
March 2023; pp. 45-47 |
Let’s talk about body-shaming on social media |
Oliwia Sawińska, 3rd year health psychology student, member of the SSC of Psychology |
D&E_A17_2303 (1010 KB) |
18. |
March 2023; pp. 48-52 |
A story about homeless and sick poor people |
Jerzy Afanasjew, Main Library of the MUG |
D&E_A18_2303 (1.08 MB) |
19. |
April 2023; pp. 51-53 |
Let’s change the path, and not the destination – a university debate under the Diverse&Equal campaign |
Jakub Winiewski, Communication Unit MUG |
RiR_A19_2304.pdf (1.03 MB) |
20. |
April 2023; pp. 54-57 |
Adultism today is what sexism used to be |
Dr. Anna Golus, in an interview by Maksymilian Wroniszewski from MUG Publishing Office |
RiR_A20_2304.pdf (1.05 MB) |
21. |
April 2023; pp. 58-59 |
Are eating disorders caused by Instagram? A brief history of anorexia and bulimia |
Julia Kasprowicz, third-year student of pharmacy |
RiR_A21_2304.pdf (780 KB) |
22. |
April 2023; pp. 60-63 |
The role of the university is to model adaptive interpersonal relationships |
Prof. Wiesław Cubała, Head Dept. Psychiatry of the Adults in an interview by Dr. Janusz Springer from MUG Publishing Office |
RiR_A22_2304.pdf (610 KB) |
23. |
April 2023; pp. 64-65 |
Fat-shaming in Polish medicine |
Dr Aleksandra Mojkowska, specialist in general and bariatric surgery, founder and member of the team for prevention of discrimination of patients with obesity, affiliated with the Patients’ Rights Ombudsperson |
RiR_A23_2304.pdf (340 KB) |
24. |
Maj 2023; ss. 52-54 |
Gdańsk – City of Equality campaign |
Dariusz Wołodźko, Gdańsk Municipal Office |
RiR_A24_2305.pdf (1.24 MB) |
25. |
Maj 2023; ss. 55-56 |
Inclusive language towards LGBTQIAP+ |
Yelizaveta Nikitsina, Szymon Grzesik, GUMed students |
RiR_A25_2305.pdf (933 KB) |
26. |
Maj 2023; s. 57 |
Meet SCORA |
Ewa Szplit, Yelizaveta Nikitsina, Szymon Grzesik, GUMed students |
RiR_A26_2305.pdf (415 KB) |
27. |
Maj 2023; ss. 58-60 |
Healthcare services for everyone |
Joanna Kulczycka, GUMed graduate |
RiR_A27_2305.pdf (222 KB) |
28. |
Maj 2023; ss. 61-62 |
Gender inequality – feminists’ figment or a real problem? |
lek. Magdalena Bazgier, First Doctoral School GUMed, Year 4 |
RiR_A28_2305.pdf (538 KB) |
29. |
Maj 2023; ss. 63-67 |
HIV i AIDS w prasie LGBT Gdańska lat 80. i 90./ HIV and AIDS in LGBT media in Gdańsk in the 1980s and 1990s. |
Maksymilian Wroniszewski, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A29_2305.pdf (1.07 MB) |
30. |
Czerwiec 2023; ss. 46-49 |
Autorytety naukowe GUMed przeciwko dyskryminacji / Leading MUG researchers against discrimination |
Małgorzata Omilian-Mucharska, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A30_2306.pdf (609 KB) |
31. |
Czerwiec 2023; ss. 50-55 |
Transprzyjazny gabinet / Transgender-friendly doctor’s office |
Emilia Wiśniewska, Julia Kata – Fundacja Trans-Fuzja, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A31_2306.pdf (624 KB) |
32. |
Czerwiec 2023; ss. 56-57 |
Osoby transpłciowe i niebinarne o oczekiwaniach względem systemu ochrony zdrowia / Transsexual and non-binary persons’ expectations of the healthcare system |
oprac. Szymon Grzesik, Yelizaveta Nikitsina, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A32_2306.pdf (299 KB) |
33. |
Czerwiec 2023; ss. 57-59 |
Porozmawiajmy o transpłciowości / Let’s talk about transsexuality |
Marta Magott in conversation with Szymon Grzesik and Yelizaveta Nikitsina, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A33_2306.pdf (983 KB) |
34. |
Czerwiec 2023; ss. 59-60 |
Magdalena Gajda o weightismie – podsumowanie webinaru / Magdalena Gajda about weightism – summary of the webinar |
Oliwia Lenkiewicz, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A34_2306.pdf (492 KB) |
35. |
Lipiec 2023; ss. 46-48 |
Operacje korekty płci M/K w Klinice Urologii (1990-2015) / M/F gender-correction surgeries performed at the Department of Urology |
prof. Kazimierz Krajka in conversation with Maksymilian Wroniszewski, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A35_2307.pdf (521 KB) |
36. |
Lipiec 2023; ss. 49-51 |
Hormonalne interwencje afirmujące płeć u osób z niezgodnością płciową / Gender-affirming hormonal interventions in persons with gender incongruence |
prof. Dominik Rachoń, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A36_2307.pdf (413 KB) |
37. |
Lipiec 2023; ss. 52-53 |
Rozmawiali o równości i różnorodności / Debate about equality and diversity |
Magda Boguska, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A37_2307.pdf (1.06 MB) |
38. |
Lipiec 2023; s. 54 |
Polszczyzna to nie puszka szprotek – wykład Macieja Makselona / The Polish language is not a can of sprats – lecture by Maciej Makselon |
Ewa Kiszka, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A38_2307.pdf (698 KB) |
39. |
Sierpień-Wrzesień 2023; ss. 50-57 |
Third culture kids among us / Dzieci trzeciej kultury wśród nas |
Janusz Springer, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A39_2308_2309.pdf (1.61 MB) |
40. |
Sierpień-Wrzesień 2023; ss. 57-61 |
Michał książę Edigey-Emirza Korycki – krótka historia Tatarów w Polsce / Prince Michał Edigey-Emirza Korycki – a short history of the Tatars in Poland |
Małgorzata Omilian-Mucharska, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A40_2308_2309.pdf (1.75 MB) |
41. |
Sierpień-Wrzesień 2023; ss. 62-63 |
Dni Nagoi i Kultury Japońskiej / Days of Nagoya and the Culture of Japan |
prof. Michał Woźniak, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A41_2308_2309.pdf (1.36 MB) |
42. |
Sierpień-Wrzesień 2023; ss. 64-65 |
Naszym zadaniem jest budowanie mostów! / Our mission is to build bridges! |
Ewa Kiszka, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A42_2308_2309.pdf (1.22 MB) |
43. |
Sierpień-Wrzesień 2023; ss. 66-67 |
Tytułomania / Titlemania |
Aleksander Stanek, Wydawnictwo GUMed |
RiR_A43_2308_2309.pdf (365 KB) |